2 août 2023Climate Risk and Bank Capital Structure"This paper lends support to the importance of the #climatechange-related #risks into #prudential #supervision to protect the...
18 juil. 2023Climate Change Stress Testing for the Banking SystemThe paper explores the potential inclusion of #climatechange #risks in the #prudential #regulatoryframework, specifically discussing...
17 juil. 2023Measuring the Climate Risk Exposure of InsurersThe findings suggest a positive association between #insurers larger exposures to #risk and higher holdings of #brownassets with higher...
7 juin 2023Regulatory Capital and Catastrophe RiskA #regulatory #reform that imposes greater regulatory #capital #costs for #insurers to provide property coverage in catastrophe-prone...
7 avr. 2023Climate Stress TestingThis paper that explores the design of #climate#stresstests to assess #macroprudential#risks from #climatechange in the #financialsector....
29 mars 2023Climate Risk and Canadian Banks: Is More Capital Required?It highlights the increasing #regulatory focus on #climaterisk faced by #canada's #banks, both domestically through the #osfi and...
7 mars 2023Corporate Disclosure of Climate Change Risk – A Pilot StudyThe paper discusses the proposed #climatechange #disclosure rules by the #sec, which would mandate companies to provide detailed...