3 août 2023Incident-Specific Cyber Insurance"In the current market practice, many #cyberinsurance products offer a coverage bundle for losses arising from various types of...
20 juin 2023Risk Sharing in Blockchain-Based Insurance with CostsThis study examines the #riskallocation problem in distributed #insurance using #blockchaintechnology, considering different charging...
14 avr. 2023Bowley Insurance with Expected Utility Maximization of the PolicyholdersThis paper examines the Bowley solution in the context of #insurance contracts using the expected utility framework. Specifically, the...
10 mars 2023A fixed point approach for computing actuarially fair Pareto optimal risk-sharing rules"#risksharing is one way to pool risks without the need for a #thirdparty. To ensure the attractiveness of such a system, the rule should...