29 juin 2023Expectile Quadrangle and Applications"#expectile is a #risk measure that, similar to #var (quantile) and CVaR (superquantile), can be employed in #riskmanagement." LIRE
19 mai 2023IFRS17 Measurement of Property & Casualty Insurance Contracts"#ifrs17 introduces the concept of a #riskadjustment that compensates #insurers for the #uncertainty about the amount and timing of the...
2 mai 2023Geopolitical Risk and Financial Stress"This paper investigates the relationship between #geopoliticalrisk and #financialstress using a bivariate #var model. The study uses the...
16 mars 2023Optimal Reinsurance with Multivariate Risks and Dependence UncertaintyThis paper explores the optimal #reinsurance design for an #insurer with multiple lines of business, where the dependence structure...
15 mars 2023Bayesian Mixed-Frequency Quantile Vector Autoregression: Eliciting Tail Risks of Monthly Us GDPThis paper proposes a novel mixed-frequency quantile vector autoregression (MF-QVAR) model that uses a #bayesian framework and...