7 avr. 2023Public Attention, Sentiment and the Default of Silicon Valley Bank"... the results provide empirical evidence that #twitter#sentiment and media attention ultimately fueled and accelerated the crash...
10 mars 2023Market Discipline and EU Corporate Governance Reform in the Banking Sector"... this paper argues that recent #eu#regulatory reform to #corporategovernance, as a means to improve #financialstability is a...
6 déc. 2022International Banking Regulation and Climate Change" The global climate crisis and the economy’s green transition are giving rise to new types of risks for banks. This paper analyses some...
15 juil. 2022Stress Tests and Capital Requirement Disclosures: Do They Impact Banks’ Lending and Risk-Taking?"Our results confirm that the publication of capital requirements can have a disciplinary effect since banks publishing their...
16 juin 2022Financial Regulation, Climate Change, and the Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy"Regulators can ... facilitate the reorientation of financial flows necessary for the transition. But their powers should not be...
6 avr. 2022Evolving Approaches to Systemic Risk Regulation in Insurance"... this book chapter evaluates how policymakers' approaches to systemic risk regulation in insurance have evolved since the crisis. It...
10 févr. 2022Climate Change and Financial Systemic Risk: Evidence from Us Banks and Insurers"... we investigate how financial system stability, assessed through market-based systemic risk measures (SRMs), relates to...