26 avr. 2023The uncharted territory of the Bank of England's human rights obligationsThis working paper analyzes whether the #boe has a legal obligation to adjust #capitalrequirements for #financialinstitutions in response...
9 janv. 2023Risk, Uncertainty, and the Future of Corporate Human Rights Due Diligence"The EU, France, and Germany, among other jurisdictions, have recently adopted laws requiring large businesses to conduct human rights...
22 nov. 2022Normative Challenges of Risk Regulation of Artificial Intelligence and Automated Decision-Making"The article addresses challenges for adequate risk regulation that arise primarily from the specific type of risks involved, i.e. risks...
11 janv. 2022Data Privacy, Human Rights, and Algorithmic Opacity"... in a world where algorithmic opacity has become a strategic tool for firms to escape accountability, regulators in the EU, the US,...