#financialrisk #prediction is vital but hindered by outdated algorithms and the absence of comprehensive benchmarks. Addressing this, FinPT uses large pretrained models and Profile Tuning for #risk prediction, while FinBench provides datasets on #default, #fraud, and #churn. FinPT inserts tabular data into templates, generates customer profiles using #languagemodels, and fine-tunes models for predictions, demonstrated effectively through experiments on FinBench, enhancing understanding of language models in financial risk.
This study examines interpersonal heterogeneity in #risk attitudes in #decisionmaking experiments. The use of #bayesian and classical methods for estimating the hierarchical model has sparked debate. Both approaches use the population distribution of risk attitudes to identify individual-specific risk attitudes. Comparing existing experimental data, both methods yield similar conclusions about risk attitudes.
This paper critically assesses the proposed #euaiact regarding #riskmanagement and acceptability of #highrisk #ai systems. The Act aims to promote trustworthy AI with proportionate #regulations but its criteria, "as far as possible" (AFAP) and "state of the art," are deemed unworkable and lacking in proportionality and trustworthiness. The Parliament's proposed amendments, introducing "reasonableness" and cost-benefit analysis, are argued to be more balanced and workable.
Textual and cluster analysis of 10-K documents reveals three #riskculture classes linked to #riskstrategies, decisions, and recruitment. Firms with a strong risk culture show better #financialperformance and more diverse boards. #regulatory #supervision can help #insurers improve #risk behaviors.
The article discusses the use of #deeplearning and #datamining in business intelligence protocols to optimize data-driven decision-making and improve efficiency. The authors focus on the use of Graph Neural Network and Autoencoders Models to process large amounts of data and model #fraud behaviors. They suggest that deep learning can be used to control #moneylaundering in financial institutions and improve visibility and transparency in businesses.
#financialinstitutions are increasingly using #machinelearningalgorithms for credit risk mgmt., #fraudprevention, and #aml. This paper presents robust evidence of using logistic regression, linear discriminant analysis, and neural networks for accurately predicting and classifying financial transactions for Volcker Rule #compliance. It provides a scalable minimum viable product to automate #controls testing.
#Insurers, #reinsurers and #regulators struggle to #quantify and #manage the #financialimpact of #climatelitigation. This report provides a toolkit to help analyze the #risks, and outlines a simple climate litigation #riskmodel.
Local communities exposed to #fraudulent #investmentadvisory firms tend to withdraw deposits from their affiliated #banks, even though the banks are not involved in the #misconduct. The #reputationalrisk is more significant when banks share names with fraudulent advisory firms or are located in areas with high social norms. The author establishes causality by exploring a quasi-natural experiment in which #fraud is likely exogenously revealed.
#insurers have discretion to determine #solvencyii #capitalrequirements. We find that long-term guarantees measures substantially influence the reported solvency ratios. The measures are chosen particularly by less solvent insurers and firms with high interest rate and credit spread sensitivities. Internal #models are used more frequently by large insurers and especially for #risks for which the firms have already found adequate immunization strategies.
Private sector #ai applications can lead to unfair results and loss of informational #privacy, such as increasing #insurancepremiums. Addressing this involves exploring the philosophical theory of fairness as equality of opportunity.