Multi‑Population Heat Wave Mortality Models for Longevity Risk Pricing and Hedging

Proposed #actuarial #models address concerns over #longevity #risk by incorporating stalling #mortality improvements and #heatwave effects. They offer a parsimonious approach to capturing recent mortality trends and enable more accurate forecasts. Findings indicate a higher #insurance #riskpremium tolerance in longevity swaps.

The Informational Impact of Prudential Regulations

"#banks take costly actions (such as higher #capitalization, #liquidity holding, and advanced #riskmanagement) to avoid financial distress and #bankruns ... We show that #prudential #regulations have an informational impact: sufficiently tight regulations can eliminate inefficient separating equilibria in banks’ signaling game, thereby changing the information available to creditors and their incentives to run."

Using Process Mining as an Assurance‑Tool in the Three‑Lines‑Of‑Defense Model

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"#processmining has become a standard in many companies as part of #processcontrol in various areas. Previous papers for specific areas have discussed its use to ensure good #governance. This paper proposes generic use cases of process mining in the context of #assurance activities in the three-lines-of-defense model and validates with real corporate data from a multinational company."

Building a Culture of Safety for AI: Perspectives and Challenges

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The paper explores the challenges of building a #safetyculture for #ai, including the lack of consensus on #risk prioritization, a lack of standardized #safety practices, and the difficulty of #culturalchange. The authors suggest a comprehensive strategy that includes identifying and addressing #risks, using #redteams, and prioritizing safety over profitability.

A History of Cyber Risk Transfer

While previous research has focused on #cyberrisk #riskmitigation measures, this study describes the emergence of various real-world cyber #risktransfer products in the last decade, including #warranties, #cloudcomputing partnerships, #parametricinsurance, #reinsurance, and #cyber #catbonds.

Machine Learning and IRB Capital Requirements: Advantages, Risks, and Recommendations

This paper examines the use of #machinelearning methods in the context of #banks' #capitalrequirements, specifically the internal Ratings Based (#irb) approach. The authors discuss the advantages and risks of using machine learning in this domain, and provide recommendations related to #risk parameter estimations, #regulatory capital, the trade-off between performance and interpretability, international #banking competition, and #governance, #operationalrisk, and training.