2 résultats pour « monitoring »

Process Theory of Supplier Cyber Risk Assessment

Managing cyber risk in the supply chain is a major challenge in cybersecurity. Organizations struggle to evaluate suppliers' security postures, while suppliers face challenges in communicating these postures. This study, using interviews and surveys, formulates a process theory for supplier cyber risk assessment, highlighting the importance of secure technology. The findings provide actionable insights for improving supply chain cyber risk management.

Climate Risk and Canadian Banks: Is More Capital Required?

It highlights the increasing #regulatory focus on #climaterisk faced by #canada's #banks, both domestically through the #osfi and globally through the adoption of guidelines proposed by the #tcfd. As regulators seek to impose more #monitoring, #disclosure, and mitigation obligations on #financialinstitutions, the article raises whether banks' #capitalrequirements should be increased to reflect the #risks associated with #climatechange.