63 résultats pour « Quantification des risques »

Bayesian and Classical Approaches to Structural Estimation of Risk Attitudes

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This study examines interpersonal heterogeneity in #risk attitudes in #decisionmaking experiments. The use of #bayesian and classical methods for estimating the hierarchical model has sparked debate. Both approaches use the population distribution of risk attitudes to identify individual-specific risk attitudes. Comparing existing experimental data, both methods yield similar conclusions about risk attitudes.

Introduction to Bayesian Data Imputation

#bayesian data imputation is a technique used to fill in missing data in a variety of fields, including #riskmanagement. By employing imputation techniques to fill in the gaps, #riskmanagers can obtain a more comprehensive and reliable understanding of the underlying #risk factors, enabling them to make informed decisions and develop effective strategies for #riskmitigation.

Multivariate risk measures for elliptical and log‑elliptical distributions

"This paper introduces the multivariate range Value-at-Risk (MRVaR) and multivariate range covariance (MRCov) as #risk#measures for #riskmanagement in #regulation and investment… Frequently-used cases in industry, such as normal, student-t, logistic, Laplace, and Pearson type VII distributions, are presented with numerical examples."

Particle MCMC in forecasting frailty correlated default models with expert opinion

This paper focuses on predicting #corporate #default #risk using frailty correlated default #models with subjective judgments. The study uses a #bayesian approach with the Particle Markov Chain #montecarlo algorithm to analyze data from #us public non-financial firms between 1980 and 2019. The findings suggest that the volatility and mean reversion of the hidden factor have a significant impact on the default intensities of the firms.

Systemic risk measured by systems resiliency to initial shocks

This study proposes a new approach to the analysis of #systemicrisk in #financialsystems, which is based on the #probability amount of exogenous shock that can be absorbed by the system before it deteriorates, rather than the size of the impact that exogenous events can exhibit. The authors use a linearized version of DebtRank to estimate the onset of financial distress, and compute localized and uniform exogenous shocks using spectral graph theory. They also extend their analysis to heterogeneous shocks using #montecarlo#simulations. The authors argue that their approach is more general and natural, and provides a standard way to express #failure#risk in financial systems.

Uncertainty in Systemic Risks Rankings: Bayesian and Frequentist Analysis

"In this paper we propose efficient #bayesian Hamiltonian #montecarlo method for estimation of #systemicrisk#measures , LRMES, SRISK and ΔCoVaR, and apply it for thirty global systemically important banks and for eighteen largest #us#financialinstitutions over the period of 2000-2020. The systemic risk measures are computed based on the Dynamic Conditional Correlations model with generalized asymmetric #volatility. A policymaker may choose to rank the firms using some quantile of their systemic risk distributions such as 90, 95, or 99% depending on #risk preferences with higher quantiles being more conservative."

Operational Risk: A Global Examination Based on Bibliometric Analysis

Effective #riskmanagement, including #operationalriskmanagement, is crucial for minimizing #financialrisks posed by #operationalrisk. Risk evaluation, which includes assessing potential risks and their #probabilities, is also vital. #bibliometric analysis using #metrics such as citations, networks, co-authorship, and region-based #publications can provide insights into the quality of #research on operational risk and identify gaps. Such analysis reveals a growing interest in the study of operational risk, but also highlights research gaps that need to be addressed for effective risk management.

Bayesian Mixed‑Frequency Quantile Vector Autoregression: Eliciting Tail Risks of Monthly Us GDP

This paper proposes a novel mixed-frequency quantile vector autoregression (MF-QVAR) model that uses a #bayesian framework and multivariate asymmetric Laplace distribution to estimate missing low-frequency variables at higher frequencies. The proposed method allows for timely policy interventions by analyzing conditional quantiles for multiple variables of interest and deriving quantile-related #riskmeasures at high frequency. The model is applied to the US economy to #nowcast conditional quantiles of #gdp, providing insight into #var, Expected Shortfall, and distance among percentiles of real GDP nowcasts.

A fixed point approach for computing actuarially fair Pareto optimal risk‑sharing rules

"#risksharing is one way to pool risks without the need for a #thirdparty. To ensure the attractiveness of such a system, the rule should be accepted and understood by all participants. A desirable risk-sharing rule should fulfill #actuarial fairness and #pareto optimality while being easy to compute. This paper establishes a one-to-one correspondence between an actuarially fair #paretooptimal (AFPO) risk-sharing rule and a fixed point of a specific function."