5 résultats pour « uncertainity »

Delegated Persuasion and Pareto Efficient Equilibrium Selection in Games

The paper investigates two topics in game theory and decision-making. In the first part, it explores the concept of delegation within a Bayesian persuasion framework. In the second part, the paper focuses on the process of equilibrium selection between the Pareto dominant equilibrium and the risk dominant equilibrium.

Essential Aspects to Bayesian Data Imputation

#bayesian data imputation holds significant importance in a variety of fields including #riskmanagement. Incomplete or missing data can hinder a thorough analysis of risks, making accurate decision-making challenging. By employing imputation techniques to fill in the gaps, risk managers can obtain a more comprehensive and reliable understanding of the underlying risk factors. This, in turn, enables them to make informed decisions and develop effective strategies for #riskmitigation.