45 résultats
pour « Actualités réglementaires »
"The article addresses challenges for adequate risk regulation that arise primarily from the specific type of risks involved, i.e. risks to the protection of fundamental rights and fundamental societal values. They result mainly from the normative ambiguity of the fundamental rights and societal values in interpreting, specifying or operationalising them for risk assessments."
"The proposed climate disclosure rule is unnecessary, unjustified, and an expensive exercise in environmental bureaucracy with little to no practical benefit for U.S. investors. The billions of dollars in additional compliance costs would fall on the shareholders, employees, and customers of U.S. public companies, while the benefits would flow to a handful of large asset management, consulting, and accounting firms."
"Using variation across insurers within the same country, and across countries for the same insurance group, we show that market risk insurance via guaranteed return products is more prevalent in countries with more lax capital requirements. Moreover, we show that the interest rate exposure of insurance companies increased as interest rates declined in recent years, and this effect is more pronounced for companies with a larger share of guaranteed return products. "
"This paper... reviews the different channels of transmission of prudential policy highlighted in the literature and... provides a quantitative assessment of the impact of Basel III reforms using "off-the-shelf" DSGE models. It shows that the effects of regulation are positive on GDP whenever the costs and benefits of regulation are both introduced."
"Financial regulation will be sustainable for long horizons and uncertain risks if it removes the principle of continuity from its probabilistic background."