81 résultats pour « Résilience numérique »

Cybersecurity, Cloud and Critical Infrastructure

"... there is a risk that the EU’s Network and Information Systems Directive (‘NIS Directive’) might lead to only incremental improvements in the cybersecurity of Europe’s critical infrastructure and digital services, while generating substantial compliance activity, aimed at placating regulators and reassuring the general public."

The Tensions of Cyber‑Resilience: From Sensemaking to Practice

"We apply Weick’s (1995) sensemaking framework to examine four foundational tensions of cyber-resilience: a definitional tension, an environmental tension, an internal tension, and a regulatory tension. We then document how these tensions are embedded in cyber-resilience practices at the preparatory, response and adaptive stages. We rely on qualitative data from a sample of 58 cybersecurity professionals in the financial sector..."