106 résultats
pour « insurance »
"The potential use of the proposed risk measures in insurance is illustrated by two concrete applications, capital risk allocation and premia calculation under uncertainty."
"The higher the degree of loss aversion, the lower is the likelihood to invest in other risk management activities is when self-protection is implemented. Our results help to explain the lack of demand for catastrophe insurance or cyber risk insurance and have important implications for corporate risk management and public policy."
"... at least in financial terms, the associated losses can be covered by insurance contracts. The role of actuaries is to develop adequate contract structures, calculate correct premiums, and implement quantitative risk management in insurance firms."
"Using this framework, I provide comparative statics results on the effects of exogenous economic factors on the optimal design of these plans. In particular, I examine the effect of risk aversion, forecast improvements, early action benefits, and likelihood of risky event on the optimal financing amount and forecast trigger."
"Our main purpose is to provide a convenient analytic model that explains both the pattern of observed customer behavior and the pattern of insurance contracts most often observed in practice: these consist of menus of several deductible-premium pairs, or menus of insurance with coverage limits-premium pairs."
"The objective of this paper is to discuss the underlying principles and assumptions of valuation under Solvency II and to analyse concepts such as the best estimate and the cost-of-capital risk margin, hedgeable and non-hedgeable risks, market value of risk, as well as economic capital and expected and unexpected losses."
"In this paper, a compound Poisson risk model with two-sided jumps and proportional investment is considered. The downward jumps represent the claims, while the upward jumps are also allowed to represent the random gains."
"We provide a formal model evaluating the impact of AI and how risk management, stakes, and inter-related tasks affect AI adoption. The broad conclusion is that AI adoption can be stymied by existing processes designed to address uncertainty."
"... different loss reserving models specialise in capturing different aspects of loss data. This is recognised in practice in the sense that results from different models are often considered, and sometimes combined. For instance, actuaries may take a weighted average of the prediction outcomes from various loss reserving models, often based on subjective assessments."
"... we study two optimisation settings for an insurance company, under the constraint that the terminal surplus at a deterministic and finite time T follows a normal distribution with a given mean and a given variance."