3 résultats pour « capital »

Regulatory Capital and Catastrophe Risk

Date : Tags : , , , , , ,
A #regulatory #reform that imposes greater regulatory #capital #costs for #insurers to provide property coverage in catastrophe-prone areas results in price increases, though the magnitude of the increases is restrained due to #insurance pricing #regulation. The increase in price is commensurate to 12-30% of the increase in regulatory capital costs due to catastrophes, and the increase in price is larger for areas with higher hurricane risks, suggesting that consumers in risky areas bear the cost of #climatechange.

Consumer Utility, Capital and Fair Profit Margins in Insurance

Date : Tags : , , , , ,
"Observed #competitive market #profitmargins in #insurance have generally exceeded what is considered fair being the #capm adjustment for risky loss cashflows. This potential ‘missing link’ has attempted to be explained by either #risk, #capital or frictions that are unrecognised by the theory. It is proposed here that the missing link instead relates to the consumption of insurance services for which a fair profit margin arises under marginal utility principles."