2 résultats pour « stoploss »

Optimal insurance design with Lambda‑Value‑at‑Risk

The paper examines optimal insurance solutions using $\Lambda\VaR$. It finds truncated stop-loss indemnity optimal with the expected value premium principle and provides a deductible parameter expression. Using $\Lambda'\VaR$, full or no insurance is optimal. It also addresses model uncertainty, offering solutions for various uncertainty scenarios.

Distributionally Robust Reinsurance with Value‑at‑Risk and Conditional Value‑at‑Risk

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"Our model handles typical stop-loss reinsurance contracts. We show that a three-point distribution achieves the worst-case VaR of the total retained loss of the insurer, from which the closed-form solutions of the worst-case distribution and optimal deductible are obtained. Moreover, we show that the worst-case Conditional Value-at-Risk of the total retained loss of the insurer is equal to the worst-case VaR, and thus the optimal deductible is the same in both cases."