37 résultats
pour « artificialintelligence »
"This concise philosophical essay explores the hypothetical scenario of an #artificialintelligence (#ai) gaining agency capabilities and the relative impossibility of its shutdown due to the constraints of #network#infrastructure."
This article discusses the need for high-level frameworks to guide the #regulation of #artificialintelligence (#ai) technologies. It adapts a #fintechinnovation Trilemma framework to argue that regulators can prioritize only two of three aims when considering AI oversight: promoting #innovation, mitigating #systemicrisk, and providing clear #regulatoryrequirements.
This paper discusses the relationship between standards and private law in the context of #liability #litigation and #tortlaw for damage caused by #ai systems. The paper highlights the importance of #standards in supporting policies and legislation of the #eu, particularly in the #regulation of #artificialintelligence. The paper assesses the role of AI standards in private law and argues that they contribute to defining the duty of care expected from developers and professional operators of AI systems.
This study examines the use of #artificialintelligence (#ai) and #bigdata data analytics by #insurers in #belgium for segmentation purposes to determine #claims#probability for prospective policyholders. The implementation of AI and big data analytics can benefit insurers by increasing the accuracy of #riskassessment. However, pervasive segmentation can have negative implications and potentially harm policyholders if their risk is incorrectly calculated. Existing restrictions in #insurance#regulations fall short of protecting policyholders from inaccuracies in risk assessments, potentially resulting in incorrect #premiums or conditions.
This paper advocates for the use of #sandbox#regulation to complement a strict #liabilityregime in regulating #artificialintelligence (#ai). The #eu#regulators have already embraced this concept.
The paper discusses the risks posed by #artificialintelligence (#ai) systems, from biased lending algorithms to chatbots that spew violent #hatespeech. The author argues that policymakers have a responsibility to consider broader, longer-term #risks from #aitechnology, such as #systemicrisk and the potential for misuse. While #regulatory proposals like the #eu #aiact and the #whitehouse AI Bill of Rights focus on immediate risks, they do not fully address the need for #algorithmicpreparedness. It proposes a roadmap for algorithmic preparedness, which includes five forward-looking principles to guide the development of regulations that confront the prospect of algorithmic black swans and mitigate the harms they pose to society. This approach is particularly important for general purpose systems like #chatgpt, which can be used for a wide range of applications, including ones that may have unintended consequences. The article emphasizes the need for #governance and #regulation to ensure that #aisystems are developed and used in ways that minimize risk and maximize benefit, and it references the #nist AI #riskmanagement Framework as a potential tool for achieving this goal.
This report presents the findings and recommendations of the Open Loop's policy prototyping program on the #eu#artificialintelligence Act (#aia ), which involved 53 AI companies participating in an online platform to provide feedback on selected articles of the AIA. While the majority of the participants found the provisions to be clear and feasible, there were areas for improvement to ensure the effectiveness of the AIA. The report provides the legislator with nine recommendations, including revising the taxonomy of AI actors, providing guidance on #riskassessment, concrete guidance for technical documentation and #dataquality requirements, ensuring qualified staff for human oversight of AI, and maximizing the potential of #regulatorysandboxes.
"By employing Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI), personal data that is categorized as sensitive data according to the GDPR Art. 9 can often be extracted. Art. 9(1) GDPR initially forbids this kind of processing. Almost no industrial control system functions without AI, even when considering the broad definition of the EU AI Regulation (EU AI Regulation-E)."
"This study proposes a comprehensive method (with representative AI-Technologies as a data basis) for the structured and targeted categorization and classification of AI under the risk-based audit approach. Initial feedback received by AI-Experts regarding the design and development of the artifact is collected. With the developed method, the study contributes to the descriptive and prescriptive knowledge base regarding the categorization and classification of AI within the auditing and accounting profession."
"... this study experimentally examines whether using an artificial intelligence system with interactive and structured information processing features augments auditor judgment when performing a fraud risk assessment."