7 résultats pour « regulators »

Evolution of Cybersecurity Disclosure

#regulators recently issued #cybersecurity #disclosure guidelines to enhance #transparency and #accountability among firms. A study analyzed cybersecurity disclosure practices among a sample of Toronto Stock Exchange firms over seven years. Findings indicate a notable increase in disclosure after 2017 guidance by #canadian Securities Administrators. However, improvements are needed, especially in #governance and #riskmitigation disclosure. This study sheds light on policy's impact on cybersecurity transparency.

Climate Stress Testing

This paper that explores the design of #climate#stresstests to assess #macroprudential#risks from #climatechange in the #financialsector. The authors review current climate stress #scenarios employed by #regulators, highlighting the need to consider dynamic policy choices, better understand feedback loops between climate change and the economy, and explore compound #riskscenarios. They argue that more research is needed to identify channels through which plausible scenarios can impact credit risks, incorporate #bank-lending responses to #climaterisk, assess the adequacy of climate #riskpricing in #financialmarkets, and better understand the process of expectations formation around the realizations of climate risks.

Remembering Fraud in the Future: Investigating and Improving Auditors’ Attention to Fraud

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This study leverages prospective memory theory to examine how encouraging #auditors to have implementation intentions can improve their attention to #fraud. Results suggest that encouraging implementation intentions, can increase auditors’ attention to fraud and make them more likely to take effective #antifraud actions. However, even in high fraud risk settings, auditors may still devote insufficient attention to fraud when performing planned #audit procedures, raising concerns for #regulators.

The Information Value of Past Losses in Operational Risk

"We show that past operational losses are informative of future losses, even after controlling for a wide range of financial characteristics. We propose that the information provided by past losses results from them capturing hard to quantify factors such as the quality of operational risk controls, the risk culture, and the risk appetite of the bank."