36 résultats pour « cybersecurity »

Cybersecurity Disclosure Regulations and Non‑GAAP Earnings: Evidence from Data Breach Disclosure Law

This paper examines the impact of #databreach #disclosure laws (DBDL) on companies' voluntary #financial disclosure behaviors. The authors use a difference-in-differences analysis to show that firms have a higher propensity of disclosing non-#gaap earnings after the adoption of DBDL, suggesting that such mandatory disclosure #regulation on #cybersecurity stimulates firms' voluntary disclosure of non-GAAP earnings.

From Insight to Compliance: The Concept of ‘Appropriate Technical and Organisational Measures’

This article highlights the importance of #cybersecurity in contemporary business models and the need for #legal practitioners and #it professionals to work together to assess the extent to which #privacy and #security measures qualify as "appropriate" in the context of #liability #claims and actions for #damages. The article provides guidance on how to move from technical insight to legal #compliance.

The Cybersecurity Obligations of States Perceived as Platforms

The study highlights that while modern states have developed concrete strategies to respond to potential threats, the resemblance of these strategies to one another could create unexpected challenges. The dynamic nature of the internet and the multitude of actors and sources of risk could put conventional wisdom to the test at a stage where the scope for response is limited. This highlights the need for states to continually adapt their strategies to address emerging risks and avoid relying solely on common knowledge or uniform thinking.

Cyber Risk: Hyperconnectivity and the Political Economy of Uncertainty

"This paper explores the notion of ‘cyber risk’, asking how we might understand it through a sociotechnical lens. It pays specific attention to how we can theorise cyber risk as an assemblage of sociotechnical ‘riskscapes’, in which our understanding of risk goes beyond organisational imperatives of ‘risk management’ and into treating cyber risk as a set of productive knowledges and practices within a political economy of uncertainty."

Building Resilience in Cybersecurity -- An Artificial Lab Approach

"Using the lab, in numerical case studies, we identify two classes of measures to control systemic cyber risks: security- and topology-based interventions. We discuss the implications of our findings on selected real-world cybersecurity measures currently applied in the insurance and regulation practice or under discussion for future cyber risk control. To this end, we provide a brief overview of the current cybersecurity regulation and emphasize the role of insurance companies as private regulators."