4 résultats pour « basel3 »

Risk Aggregation, Tail Risk, Correlation: Capital Allocation Efficiency and Regulator...

"... model uncertainty is a vital component of the current challenges in risk measurement, and therefore the regulator should design risk measures encouraging well-understood prudent decisions over (less understood) risky ones. From this perspective robust regulation should be a desirable goal. To achieve such an objective, simple – but not simpler – rules are needed."

The Next Decade of EU Macroprudential Policy

"This paper presents an overview of key proposals formulated by the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB), the European Banking Authority (EBA) and the European Central Bank (ECB) in the context of the review of the macroprudential policy framework of the European Union (EU), aimed at improving its operation and efficiency over the medium term."

Liquidity Coverage at Risk

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"Building on the Liquidity Coverage Ratio created under the Basel III regulatory agreement, this paper introduces the notion of Liquidity Coverage at Risk (LCRisk), which is the probability that a bank becomes insolvent in the next 30-days. LCRisk has a closed-form expression and it can be computed using information contained in the bank’s balance sheet."