Audit Committee Oversight and Bank Financial Reporting Quality

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Examining #us #bank holding companies, this research analyzes how #audit committee oversight influences financial reporting quality. Leveraging Section 165 h of the Dodd–Frank Act, which mandates separate #audit and #risk committees for large bank holding firms, the study employs a difference-in-differences approach. The separation leads to enhanced reporting quality due to improved audit committee focus stemming from reduced task complexity post-Section 165 h.

Do Auditors Understand the Implications of ESG Issues for Their Audits?

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#auditors fail to detect material weaknesses in clients' #internalcontrols over #financialreporting (#icfr) when clients experience financially material negative #esg incidents, which eventually lead clients to restate their financial statements. The results suggest that auditors overweight their clients' attempts at improving their internal controls following the revelation of material ESG incidents.

Equilibrium Loss Reporting for a Risk‑Averse Insured of Deductible Insurance

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This study examines a #riskaverse #insured who buys deductible #insurance and uses a barrier strategy for reporting #losses. The #insurer has a bonus-malus system with two rate classes; shifting to a costlier class occurs upon loss reporting. The insured's tendency to underreport losses is established under specific conditions, with her strategic reporting threshold derived. Allowing insureds to choose deductibles reveals positive equilibrium values, challenging the assumption of full insurance optimality. This work explains the common underreporting of losses across non-life insurance sectors.

Optimal Robust Reinsurance with Multiple Insurers

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"We study a #reinsurer who faces multiple sources of #model #uncertainty. The reinsurer offers contracts to n #insurers whose #claims follow different compound #poisson processes. As the reinsurer is uncertain about the insurers' claim severity distributions and frequencies, they design reinsurance contracts that maximise their expected wealth subject to an #entropy #penalty…."

RPA in Accounting Risk and Internal Control: Insights from RPA Program Managers

This study investigates the #riskmitigation and #internalcontrols organizations implement in their Robotic Process Automation (#rpa) deployments in #accounting. RPA #governance models range from being fully centralized to being entirely decentralized. RPA #risk and #control oversight includes unique #riskassessments for the RPA accounting environment.

Unbundling Climate Change Risk from ESG

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The US-EU divide on #esg policies for businesses stems from differing economic factors, notably the US stock market's influence on retirement funds and the #us's oil production dominance versus the #eu's oil imports. To address this, a "Net Zero Transformation rating" should separate #climate concerns from other ESG aspects. Shifting corporate activism towards heavy users like utilities and key producers like car manufacturers, rather than focusing solely on fossil fuel producers, could accelerate a #netzerotransition.

Estimating the Impact of Physical Risks on Firm Defaults: A Supply‑Chain Perspective

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This study employs an agent-based #model to explore how #climate shocks spread within #supplychains, linking #climateimpacts to firms' #default #risks. Integrating supply chain and financial models, it outlines a framework to simulate physical risk transmission, downstream effects, and increased default risk. Findings underscore supply chains' role in #climaterisk propagation, advocate adaptation measures, and identify vulnerable sectors. The research underscores the necessity of climate #resilience in supply chains.

Corporate Governance and Risk‑Taking: A Statistical Approach

The article presents three key arguments on #risktaking in #corporategovernance. Firstly, it asserts that #riskmanagers shouldn't be automatically blamed for corporate failures arising from statistically justified risk-based decisions. It suggests a "statistics-based governance" rule to protect managers within legal limits. Secondly, it argues for the inclusion of statistical methodologies to offset #cognitivebias in assessing prudent corporate #governance. Lastly, it contends that while expected-value analysis guides most decisions, for those with potential societal harm, public interests should also be considered.

Does National Culture Influence Malfeasance in Banks Around the World?

The study investigates the influence of national culture on the severity of global #bank#misconduct. It finds that cultural traits such as over-confidence and #uncertainty avoidance play a significant role in determining misconduct levels. The research underscores the importance of #regulatory measures and #supervisory independence in countering cultural effects on #financial#malfeasance. These findings hold implications for #regulators, #policymakers, and professionals within the #bankingsector.

Study on the Inhibiting Impact of Digital Finance on Corporate Financial Fraud

Amid #digitalfinance's rise, its role in combating corporate #financialfraud gains attention. The study explores how digital finance curbs fraud via #transparency, #regulation, #riskcontrol, and trust mechanisms. Findings suggest positive impacts on deterring corporate #fraud, with implications for digital finance development and #fraudprevention