30 résultats pour « uncertainty »

Information, Uncertainty and Espionage

"Decision theory, both orthodox and behavioural, depicts decision rather narrowly as a prioritisation task undertaken within a delineated problem space where the probabilities “sum to one”. From such a perspective, certain perennial challenges in intelligence and counterintelligence appear resolvable when in fact they are not, at least not when approached from the usual direction."

The Road Less Travelled: Keynes and Knight on Probability and Uncertainty

"The possibilities of a Keynesian-Knightian synthesis as a way forward are considered by comparing these signposts. It is argued that, although there is some common ground between Knight and Keynes, there are fundamental differences particularly associated with Keynes’s concept of weight of argument."

Cyber Loss Model Risk Translates to Premium Mispricing and Risk Sensitivity

"The standard statistical approaches to assessment of insurability and potential mispricing are enhanced in several aspects involving consideration of model risk … We demonstrate how to quantify the effect of model risk in this analysis by incorporating various robust estimators for key model parameter estimates that apply in both marginal and joint cyber risk loss process modelling."

Distributionally Robust Reinsurance with Value‑at‑Risk and Conditional Value‑at‑Risk

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"Our model handles typical stop-loss reinsurance contracts. We show that a three-point distribution achieves the worst-case VaR of the total retained loss of the insurer, from which the closed-form solutions of the worst-case distribution and optimal deductible are obtained. Moreover, we show that the worst-case Conditional Value-at-Risk of the total retained loss of the insurer is equal to the worst-case VaR, and thus the optimal deductible is the same in both cases."

Uncertainty Quantification of Multi‑Scale Resilience in Nonlinear Complex Networks

" In order to quantify resilience uncertainty across the network resolutions (from macro-scale network statistics to individual node dynamics), we propose an arbitrary polynomial chaos (aPC) expansion method to identify the probability of a node in losing its resilience and how the different model parameters contribute to this risk on a single node."