4 résultats pour « financialregulation »

Can Real Transactions Constitute Market Manipulation?

"This article discusses the EFTA Court’s advisory opinion on the issue of whether real transactions, in the sense that they transfer expense and risk with full effect between independent parties, can constitute market manipulation. The aim of the article is to explore the reasoning by the court and then analyse and argue that such transactions (real ones) can indeed constitute market manipulation according to the 2014 Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) and MAD. The aim is also to analyse when real transactions constitute market manipulation."

Regulatory Complexity, Uncertainty, and Systemic Risk: are Regulators Hedgehogs or Foxes?

"Rebalancing regulation towards simplicity may produce Pareto-improving solutions, and encourage better decision making by authorities and regulated entities. However, addressing systemic risk in a complex financial system should not entail the replacement of overly complex rules with overly simple or less stringent regulations."

The Next Decade of EU Macroprudential Policy

"This paper presents an overview of key proposals formulated by the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB), the European Banking Authority (EBA) and the European Central Bank (ECB) in the context of the review of the macroprudential policy framework of the European Union (EU), aimed at improving its operation and efficiency over the medium term."