4 résultats pour « computationalfinance »

Multivariate Optimized Certainty Equivalent Risk Measures and their Numerical Computation

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"We present a framework for constructing multivariate risk measures that is inspired from univariate Optimized Certainty Equivalent (OCE) risk measures. We show that this new class of risk measures verifies the desirable properties such as convexity, monotonocity and cash invariance. We also address numerical aspects of their computations using stochastic algorithms instead of using Monte Carlo or Fourier methods that do not provide any error of the estimation."

Reinforcement Learning with Dynamic Convex Risk Measures

"We develop an approach for solving time-consistent risk-sensitive stochastic optimization problems using model-free reinforcement learning (RL). Specifically, we assume agents assess the risk of a sequence of random variables using dynamic convex risk measures. We employ a time-consistent dynamic programming principle to determine the value of a particular policy, and develop policy gradient update rules. We further develop an actor-critic style algorithm using neural networks to optimize over policies. Finally, we demonstrate the performance and flexibility of our approach by applying it to optimization problems in statistical arbitrage trading and obstacle avoidance robot control."