4 résultats pour « europe »

Suggestions for a Revision of the European Smart Robot Liability Regime

This article discusses the need for #regulation of #robots and #ai in #europe, focusing on the issue of #civil #liability. Despite multiple attempts to harmonize #eu#tort #law, only the liability of producers for defective products has been successfully harmonized so far. The #aiact, published by the #europeancommission in 2021, aims to #regulate AI at the European level by classifying #smartrobots as "high risk systems", but does not address liability rules. This article explores liability issues related to AI and robots, particularly when using #deeplearning #machinelearning techniques that challenge the traditional liability paradigm.

Quantifying Systemic Risk in the Presence of Unlisted Banks

This paper proposes a #credit#portfolio approach for evaluating #systemicrisk and attributing it across #financialinstitutions. The proposed model can be estimated from high-frequency credit default swap (#cds) data and captures risks from publicly traded #banks, privately held institutions, and coöperative banks. The approach overcomes limitations of earlier studies by accounting for correlated losses between institutions and also offers a modeling extension to account for #fattails and #skewness of #assetreturns. The model is applied to a universe of banks in #europe, highlighting discrepancies between the #capitaldequacy of the largest contributors to systemic risk and less systemically important banks.

Cybersecurity, Cloud and Critical Infrastructure

"... there is a risk that the EU’s Network and Information Systems Directive (‘NIS Directive’) might lead to only incremental improvements in the cybersecurity of Europe’s critical infrastructure and digital services, while generating substantial compliance activity, aimed at placating regulators and reassuring the general public."