2 résultats pour « regulate »

Regulating AI at work: labour relations, automation, and algorithmic management

These papers examine the role of #collectivebargaining and #governmentpolicy in shaping strategies to deploy new #digital and #ai-based technologies at work. The authors argue that efforts to better #regulate the use of AI and #algorithms at work are likely to be most effective when underpinned by social dialogue and collective #labourrights. The articles suggest specific lessons for #unions and policymakers seeking to develop broader strategies to engage with AI and #digitalisation at work.

Suggestions for a Revision of the European Smart Robot Liability Regime

This article discusses the need for #regulation of #robots and #ai in #europe, focusing on the issue of #civil #liability. Despite multiple attempts to harmonize #eu#tort #law, only the liability of producers for defective products has been successfully harmonized so far. The #aiact, published by the #europeancommission in 2021, aims to #regulate AI at the European level by classifying #smartrobots as "high risk systems", but does not address liability rules. This article explores liability issues related to AI and robots, particularly when using #deeplearning #machinelearning techniques that challenge the traditional liability paradigm.