4 résultats pour « internalcontrols »

Do Auditors Understand the Implications of ESG Issues for Their Audits?

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#auditors fail to detect material weaknesses in clients' #internalcontrols over #financialreporting (#icfr) when clients experience financially material negative #esg incidents, which eventually lead clients to restate their financial statements. The results suggest that auditors overweight their clients' attempts at improving their internal controls following the revelation of material ESG incidents.

RPA in Accounting Risk and Internal Control: Insights from RPA Program Managers

This study investigates the #riskmitigation and #internalcontrols organizations implement in their Robotic Process Automation (#rpa) deployments in #accounting. RPA #governance models range from being fully centralized to being entirely decentralized. RPA #risk and #control oversight includes unique #riskassessments for the RPA accounting environment.