3 résultats pour « measures »

Uncertainty Propagation and Dynamic Robust Risk Measures

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The framework presents a method to quantify #uncertainty propagation in #dynamic #scenarios, focusing on discrete #stochastic processes over a limited time span. These dynamic uncertainty sets encompass various uncertainties like distributional ambiguity, utilizing tools like the Wasserstein distance and $f$-divergences. Dynamic robust #risk #measures, defined as maximum #risks within uncertainty sets, exhibit properties like convexity and coherence based on uncertainty set conditions. $f$-divergence-derived sets yield strong time-consistency, while Wasserstein distance leads to a new non-normalized time-consistency. Recursive representations of one-step conditional robust risk measures underlie strong or non-normalized time-consistency.

Multivariate risk measures for elliptical and log‑elliptical distributions

"This paper introduces the multivariate range Value-at-Risk (MRVaR) and multivariate range covariance (MRCov) as #risk#measures for #riskmanagement in #regulation and investment… Frequently-used cases in industry, such as normal, student-t, logistic, Laplace, and Pearson type VII distributions, are presented with numerical examples."

Uncertainty in Systemic Risks Rankings: Bayesian and Frequentist Analysis

"In this paper we propose efficient #bayesian Hamiltonian #montecarlo method for estimation of #systemicrisk#measures , LRMES, SRISK and ΔCoVaR, and apply it for thirty global systemically important banks and for eighteen largest #us#financialinstitutions over the period of 2000-2020. The systemic risk measures are computed based on the Dynamic Conditional Correlations model with generalized asymmetric #volatility. A policymaker may choose to rank the firms using some quantile of their systemic risk distributions such as 90, 95, or 99% depending on #risk preferences with higher quantiles being more conservative."