15 résultats
pour « fraud »
"the typical organization loses 5% of revenues yearly because of fraud. Businesses are subject to fraud risk, and it is critical for organizations to put in place effective control mechanisms to prevent fraud".
"#frauddetection is overwhelmingly associated with the greater field of #anomalydetection, which is usually performed via unsupervised learning techniques because of the lack of labeled data needed for #supervisedlearning. However, a small quantity of labeled data does often exist. This research article aims to evaluate the efficacy of a deep semi-supervised anomaly detection technique, called Deep SAD, for detecting #fraud in high-frequency #financialdata."
Amid #digitalfinance's rise, its role in combating corporate #financialfraud gains attention. The study explores how digital finance curbs fraud via #transparency, #regulation, #riskcontrol, and trust mechanisms. Findings suggest positive impacts on deterring corporate #fraud, with implications for digital finance development and #fraudprevention
#financialrisk #prediction is vital but hindered by outdated algorithms and the absence of comprehensive benchmarks. Addressing this, FinPT uses large pretrained models and Profile Tuning for #risk prediction, while FinBench provides datasets on #default, #fraud, and #churn. FinPT inserts tabular data into templates, generates customer profiles using #languagemodels, and fine-tunes models for predictions, demonstrated effectively through experiments on FinBench, enhancing understanding of language models in financial risk.
The article discusses the use of #deeplearning and #datamining in business intelligence protocols to optimize data-driven decision-making and improve efficiency. The authors focus on the use of Graph Neural Network and Autoencoders Models to process large amounts of data and model #fraud behaviors. They suggest that deep learning can be used to control #moneylaundering in financial institutions and improve visibility and transparency in businesses.
Local communities exposed to #fraudulent #investmentadvisory firms tend to withdraw deposits from their affiliated #banks, even though the banks are not involved in the #misconduct. The #reputationalrisk is more significant when banks share names with fraudulent advisory firms or are located in areas with high social norms. The author establishes causality by exploring a quasi-natural experiment in which #fraud is likely exogenously revealed.
#operationalrisk #oprisk #fraud #marketabuse #riskmanagement"Our DD analysis reveals that #workingfromhome lowers the likelihood of securities #misconduct; ultimately those working from home exhibit fewer misconduct alerts."
This article addresses the increasing concern of investors regarding corporate wrongdoing impacting a company's stock price, particularly regarding #esgrisk. The article argues that courts should not dismiss ESG securities #fraud cases as mere puffery, but instead focus on whether the corporation and its managers knew of a material #risk of an #esg problem but deceptively obscured that risk in its communications with investors.
This article examines the downfall of #Enron Corporation, which is often seen as the epitome of corporate #fraud. Enron engaged in complex structured hedging transactions to achieve accounting results, which ultimately led to its collapse and the imprisonment of some of its #managers. The article aims to present the facts objectively and asks what advice should have been given to Enron's managers. It suggests that society can overreact to #businessfailure and #regulatory responses can miss the mark, and that corporate managers must take reasonable risks to remain competitive. The article concludes that failure should not automatically be judged as managerial misfeasance.
It proposes policy changes to reduce the cost and improve the value of #autoinsurance in #canada. The study found that Canadians pay the highest premiums in the world for auto #insurance relative to GDP, with personal injury coverage being the most significant contributor to overall differences. The paper recommends product reforms and addressing #autorepair#fraud to increase consumer choice, reduce disputes, and provide better value.