We assess the impact of #brandreputation on asset prices, focusing on Donald Trump's presence in Manhattan real estate. Analyzing from mid-2015 to 2022, we find a 19% markdown on condos in Trump-branded buildings due to controversies around his candidacy. The drop was swift and substantial, indicating the relevance of #reputationalrisk in pricing. Using #twitter data, a 1-standard-deviation increase in our reputation indicator forecasts a 6% discount. Tax data shows no benefits, and property values fell by $1.1 billion, underlining the importance of considering reputational risk in #riskmanagement.
Local communities exposed to #fraudulent #investmentadvisory firms tend to withdraw deposits from their affiliated #banks, even though the banks are not involved in the #misconduct. The #reputationalrisk is more significant when banks share names with fraudulent advisory firms or are located in areas with high social norms. The author establishes causality by exploring a quasi-natural experiment in which #fraud is likely exogenously revealed.
This research studies the impact of #socialmedia on shareholder response to #esg-related #reputationalrisk.
This study examines the relationship between reputational events and business sustainability by assessing the effects of such events on the share prices/market capitalisations of FTSE/JSE Top 40 Index entities. Using event study methodology and Tobin’s Q ratio, the study found that reputational events are associated with significant negative cumulative average abnormal returns on the day of the event announcement and for a period thereafter, highlighting the need for listed firms to include #reputationalrisk within their #riskmanagement management frameworks and for practitioners to implement reputation management strategies.
This paper explores the #reputationalrisk associated with #esg investments and provides a formal theoretical valuation system for ESG reputation. The authors argue that ESG criteria adoption has multiple positive dimensions and outcomes, but the analysis of the #risks related to #sustainability is uncommon. They model ESG reputational risk using paradigms of #behaviouralfinance, defining it by subjective probabilities framed in a #probability function based on potential trustees' preferences. The paper highlights the need for accurate evaluation of reputational risks related to ESG investments by firms and other institutions, including #insurance companies and #pensionfunds.
By analyzing the content of #rating#reports, the study identifies seven different mechanisms that rating analysts are concerned about, with the most significant being the #misstatement-related violations of #debt covenants that increase #liquidityrisk and #compliancerisk. The study finds that #creditratings and #reputationalrisk of #misreporting firms are adversely affected for up to seven years after an intentional misstatement becomes publicly known. The impact of an intentional misstatement on a firm's credit rating is most pronounced when rating analysts express concerns about covenant violations.
"In the current business climate, more companies should emphasize and integrate political risk oversight in their ERM programs. Although neglecting political risk may not trigger legal liability from regulators or courts, it can cause significant financial and reputational losses to the company."
"Social and regulatory attention has been using fairness and equity as a lens to evaluate the outcomes of existing processes like insurance underwriting. For example, a new law in Colorado, which will come into effect at the beginning of 2023, will require insurers to provide analytical evidence that their operational processes that use inputs of consumer data and predictive models do not result in unfair discrimination against certain consumer groups. Credit-based insurance scores (hereinafter referred to as insurance risk scores) are one example of the inputs used in these operational processes"
"Examining cyber-attacks as a shock to a firm’s incentive to appear ESG-friendly, I show that the inside measure hardly improves after the shock."