5 résultats pour « misconduct »

Does National Culture Influence Malfeasance in Banks Around the World?

The study investigates the influence of national culture on the severity of global #bank#misconduct. It finds that cultural traits such as over-confidence and #uncertainty avoidance play a significant role in determining misconduct levels. The research underscores the importance of #regulatory measures and #supervisory independence in countering cultural effects on #financial#malfeasance. These findings hold implications for #regulators, #policymakers, and professionals within the #bankingsector.

Better Prevention Than Cure: Cybersecurity Risk and Clawback Provision

The study analyzes how #cybersecurityrisk impacts #clawback policy adoption in #us listed firms from 2008-2018. It finds that rising cybersecurity risk increases clawback adoption, influenced by business goals, management preferences, and market efficiency. Stronger tech commitment and non-co-opted boards reduce this effect, showing firms consider clawbacks as preventive against #misconduct, incorporating cybersecurity risk.

Distrust Spillover on Banks: The Impact of Financial Advisory Misconduct

Local communities exposed to #fraudulent #investmentadvisory firms tend to withdraw deposits from their affiliated #banks, even though the banks are not involved in the #misconduct. The #reputationalrisk is more significant when banks share names with fraudulent advisory firms or are located in areas with high social norms. The author establishes causality by exploring a quasi-natural experiment in which #fraud is likely exogenously revealed.

Operational Risk and the New Caremark Liability for Boards of Directors

In #corporategovernance, where boards are being held liable for #misconduct based on #operationalrisk. Operational misconduct is a critical source of #director#liability and should be given the same attention as #financial#mismanagement. Operational risk marks a fundamental shift in the way boards monitor the firm. Judicial doctrine is changing the way boards manage operational risk, avoid liability, and protect stakeholders' lives and the society at large.