26 résultats
pour « riskassessment »
This report presents the findings and recommendations of the Open Loop's policy prototyping program on the #eu#artificialintelligence Act (#aia ), which involved 53 AI companies participating in an online platform to provide feedback on selected articles of the AIA. While the majority of the participants found the provisions to be clear and feasible, there were areas for improvement to ensure the effectiveness of the AIA. The report provides the legislator with nine recommendations, including revising the taxonomy of AI actors, providing guidance on #riskassessment, concrete guidance for technical documentation and #dataquality requirements, ensuring qualified staff for human oversight of AI, and maximizing the potential of #regulatorysandboxes.
"We present a novel approach to quantify the uncertainty and sensitivity of risk estimates, using the CLIMADA open-source climate risk assessment platform. This work builds upon a recently developed extension of CLIMADA, which uses statistical modelling techniques to better quantify climate model ensemble uncertainty. Here, we further analyse the propagation of hazard, exposure and vulnerability uncertainties by varying a number of input factors based on a discrete, scientifically justified set of options."
"We aim to analyze strategies for assessing and managing new risks that affect the insurance industry, considering the regulatory requirements that the company must follow. To this end, the open-source software Climada was examined. This software uses stochastic forecasting models such as ARCH, GARCH, and ARIMA. Through real data obtained during an internship at E&Y, it was determined that these models can be a useful tool for insurance companies when dealing with extreme risks. This includes their exposure and solvency. Additionally, the study explores issues related to climate change"
"We respond to Tetlock et al. (2022) showing 1) how expert judgment fails to reflect tail risk, 2) the lack of compatibility between forecasting tournaments and tail risk assessment methods (such as extreme value theory). More importantly, we communicate a new result showing a greater gap between the properties of tail expectation and those of the corresponding probability."
"... we develop a framework based on a combination of a neural network together with a dimensionality reduction technique t-SNE (t-distributed stochastic neighbour embedding)... The obtained results, which are based on real insurance data, reveal a clear contrast between the high and low risk policy holders, and indeed improve upon the actual risk estimation performed by the insurer."
"This paper analyzes how governments support insurance markets to maintain insurability and limit risks to society. We propose a new conceptual framework grouping government interventions into three dimensions: regulation of risky activity, public investment in risk reduction, and co-insurance."
"This implementation in France provides a new framework for non-financial information and marks a major turning point towards greater potential responsibilities for members of the management bodies of the large corporations in question, in particular with the description of diversity policy: non-financial reporting is reviewed via an overall analysis guided by the materiality principle and genuine sustainable compliance based on a prior and relevant risk assessment."
"We propose a new conceptual framework grouping government interventions into three dimensions: regulation of risky activity, public investment in risk reduction, and co-insurance."
"As businesses improved their resilience, cybercriminals adapted and ransoms escalated, calling insurability into question. Yet there remains little appetite for imposing restrictive conditionality in this highly competitive market. Instead, insurers have turned to governments to contain criminal threats and cushion catastrophic losses."
"Our study contributes to the brainstorming literature by highlighting the importance of group composition. It suggests that firms can promote skeptical team judgments by leveraging individuals’ high trait skepticism in thoughtfully composed interacting groups."