3 résultats pour « france »

Note on the GDPR and US‑based cloud servers

This is a note on the #gdpr and the use of #us-based #cloudservers. The note raises concerns about the #risk of US #intelligenceagencies having access to #data transferred to any US cloud from the #eu, or directly accessed by US agencies, even while still in the EU / #eea or while in transit. The note discusses cases in #france, the #netherlands, and #germany that have addressed these issues, concluding that the legality of the use of US cloud servers and solutions remains problematic.

Sustainable Corporate Governance Has Begun

Date : Tags : , , , , , ,
"This implementation in France provides a new framework for non-financial information and marks a major turning point towards greater potential responsibilities for members of the management bodies of the large corporations in question, in particular with the description of diversity policy: non-financial reporting is reviewed via an overall analysis guided by the materiality principle and genuine sustainable compliance based on a prior and relevant risk assessment."