"The EU, France, and Germany, among other jurisdictions, have recently adopted laws requiring large businesses to conduct human rights due diligence (HRDD) in their supply chains."
"… our findings reveal that climate change uncertainty can trigger firms to invest more in CSR activities to hedge against future climate risks.”
"This implementation in France provides a new framework for non-financial information and marks a major turning point towards greater potential responsibilities for members of the management bodies of the large corporations in question, in particular with the description of diversity policy: non-financial reporting is reviewed via an overall analysis guided by the materiality principle and genuine sustainable compliance based on a prior and relevant risk assessment."
"The proposed climate disclosure rule is unnecessary, unjustified, and an expensive exercise in environmental bureaucracy with little to no practical benefit for U.S. investors. The billions of dollars in additional compliance costs would fall on the shareholders, employees, and customers of U.S. public companies, while the benefits would flow to a handful of large asset management, consulting, and accounting firms."
"Our findings are consistent with the resiliency hypothesis concerning the CSR-financial performance link, as well as the remark that better CSR performance is associated with improved information transparency."
"By optimization and exploratory data-mining approaches, we show that it is possible to change ESG scores to exhibit stronger risk dependence."
"Examining cyber-attacks as a shock to a firm’s incentive to appear ESG-friendly, I show that the inside measure hardly improves after the shock."