30 résultats pour « machinelearning »

Should Bank Stress Tests Be Fair?

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"We argue that simply pooling data across banks treats banks equally but is subject to two deficiencies: it may distort the impact of legitimate portfolio features, and it is vulnerable to implicit misdirection of legitimate information to infer bank identity. We compare various notions of regression fairness to address these deficiencies, considering both forecast accuracy and equal treatment. In the setting of linear models, we argue for estimating and then discarding centered bank fixed effects as preferable to simply ignoring differences across banks."

Explainable Artificial Intelligence (Xai) in Insurance: A Systematic Review

"Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) models allow for a more transparent and understandable relationship between humans and machines. The insurance industry represents a fundamental opportunity to demonstrate the potential of XAI, with the industry’s vast stores of sensitive data on policyholders and centrality in societal progress and innovation."

Forecasting Social Unrest: A Machine Learning Approach

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"We produce a social unrest risk index for 125 countries covering a period of 1996 to 2020. The risk of social unrest is based on the probability of unrest in the following year derived from a machine learning model drawing on over 340 indicators covering a wide range of macro-financial, socioeconomic, development and political variables. The prediction model correctly forecasts unrest in the following year approximately two-thirds of the time. "

Reinforcement Learning with Dynamic Convex Risk Measures

"We develop an approach for solving time-consistent risk-sensitive stochastic optimization problems using model-free reinforcement learning (RL). Specifically, we assume agents assess the risk of a sequence of random variables using dynamic convex risk measures. We employ a time-consistent dynamic programming principle to determine the value of a particular policy, and develop policy gradient update rules. We further develop an actor-critic style algorithm using neural networks to optimize over policies. Finally, we demonstrate the performance and flexibility of our approach by applying it to optimization problems in statistical arbitrage trading and obstacle avoidance robot control."