29 résultats
pour « reinsurance »
"Stackelberg game. The reinsurer is the leader in the game and maximizes its expected utility by selecting its optimal investment strategy and a safety loading in the reinsurance contract it offers to the insurer. The reinsurer can assess how the insurer will rationally react on each action of the reinsurer. The insurance company is the follower and maximizes its expected utility by choosing its investment strategy and the amount of reinsurance the company purchases at the price offered by the reinsurer. "
"Traditional techniques for calculating outstanding claim liabilities such as the chain ladder are notoriously at risk of being distorted by outliers in past claims data. Unfortunately, the literature in robust methods of reserving is scant, with notable exceptions … we put forward two alternative robust bivariate chain-ladder techniques to extend the approach of Verdonck and Van Wouwe (2011)."
"The growing sophistication of insurance pricing, particularly for property-casualty insurance and reinsurance risk, has created a proliferation of approaches used in practice. Even within firms, pricing methodologies can vary from line to line, ranging from simplistic expected loss ratio targets to sophisticated return on capital models and even more sophisticated probability transform methods."
"Our model handles typical stop-loss reinsurance contracts. We show that a three-point distribution achieves the worst-case VaR of the total retained loss of the insurer, from which the closed-form solutions of the worst-case distribution and optimal deductible are obtained. Moreover, we show that the worst-case Conditional Value-at-Risk of the total retained loss of the insurer is equal to the worst-case VaR, and thus the optimal deductible is the same in both cases."
"We construct and analyze a novel dataset on the corporate structure of the top 100 global insurance groups with headquarters located in 21 countries and their 8,000 subsidiaries located in 117 countries and offshore territories. We document how the level of internationalization and the business focus of foreign subsidiaries vary across headquarters regions as well as advanced and emerging economies."
"... we examine the relationship between Bowley optimality and Pareto efficiency in a problem of optimal reinsurance, under fairly general preferences."
"... results are applied in a wide range of actuarial problems including multivariate risk measures, aggregate loss, large claims reinsurance, weighted premium calculations and risk capital allocation. "
"This paper studies the design of Pareto-optimal reinsurance contracts in a market where the insurer and reinsurer maximize their expected utilities of end-of-period wealth. In addition, we assume that the insurer and reinsurer wish to control their solvency risks, which are defined through distortion risk measures of their end-of-period risk exposures."
“Bearing in mind that unprecedented fiscal measures amid accommodative monetary policies may have distorted regular risk assessment frameworks, it is important for risk managers and supervisors not to underestimate risks.”