45 résultats
pour « Actualités réglementaires »
“The #eu draft for an #euaiact is a legal medley. Under the banner of #risk-based #regulation, the AI Act combines two repertoires of EU law, namely #productsafety and #fundamentalrights protection. However, the proposed medley can fail if it does not account for the structural differences between the two legal repertoires…”
On July 26, 2023, the #sec adopted final rules requiring disclosure of material #cybersecurity incidents on Form 8-K and periodic disclosure of a registrant’s cybersecurity #riskmanagement, strategy, and #governance in #annualreports.
Recent #ai developments, particularly in Natural Language Processing (#nlp) like #gpt3, are widely used. Ensuring safety and trust with increasing NLP use requires robust guidelines. Global AI #regulations are evolving through initiatives like the #euaiact, #unesco recommendations, #us AI Bill of Rights, and others. The EU AI Act's comprehensive regulation sets a potential global benchmark. NLP models are subject to existing rules, such as #gdpr. This paper explores AI regulations, GDPR's application to AI, the EU AI Act's #riskbasedapproach, and NLP's role within these frameworks.
The introduction of #ai #chatgpt has stirred discussions about AI regulation. The controversy over classifying systems like ChatGPT as "high-risk" AI under #euaiact has sparked concerns. This paper explores how Large Language Models (#llms) such as ChatGPT are shaping AI policy debates and delves into potential lessons from the #gdpr for effective regulation.
This paper critically assesses the proposed #euaiact regarding #riskmanagement and acceptability of #highrisk #ai systems. The Act aims to promote trustworthy AI with proportionate #regulations but its criteria, "as far as possible" (AFAP) and "state of the art," are deemed unworkable and lacking in proportionality and trustworthiness. The Parliament's proposed amendments, introducing "reasonableness" and cost-benefit analysis, are argued to be more balanced and workable.
"This article provides an insightful overview of the challenges encountered by the #insuranceindustry when applying the requirements of #ifrs17 to #reinsurance contracts... By delving into specific challenges and offering potential solutions, the article aims to shed light on the intricacies of implementing IFRS 17 and the resulting mismatches in #financialreporting, including their impact on #solvencyii practices."
This is a note on the #gdpr and the use of #us-based #cloudservers. The note raises concerns about the #risk of US #intelligenceagencies having access to #data transferred to any US cloud from the #eu, or directly accessed by US agencies, even while still in the EU / #eea or while in transit. The note discusses cases in #france, the #netherlands, and #germany that have addressed these issues, concluding that the legality of the use of US cloud servers and solutions remains problematic.
The #eu Digital Services Act (#dsa) establishes a #riskassessment and #riskmitigation regime to address issues like harmful content and structural discrimination, and codes of conduct are meant to guide interpretation of these obligations.
This report presents the findings and recommendations of the Open Loop's policy prototyping program on the #eu#artificialintelligence Act (#aia ), which involved 53 AI companies participating in an online platform to provide feedback on selected articles of the AIA. While the majority of the participants found the provisions to be clear and feasible, there were areas for improvement to ensure the effectiveness of the AIA. The report provides the legislator with nine recommendations, including revising the taxonomy of AI actors, providing guidance on #riskassessment, concrete guidance for technical documentation and #dataquality requirements, ensuring qualified staff for human oversight of AI, and maximizing the potential of #regulatorysandboxes.
"... nothing meaningful for regulation can be determined solely by looking at the data itself. Data is what data does. Personal data is harmful when its use causes harm or creates a risk of harm. It is not harmful if it is not used in a way to cause harm or risk of harm."