The study investigates the influence of national culture on the severity of global #bank#misconduct. It finds that cultural traits such as over-confidence and #uncertainty avoidance play a significant role in determining misconduct levels. The research underscores the importance of #regulatory measures and #supervisory independence in countering cultural effects on #financial#malfeasance. These findings hold implications for #regulators, #policymakers, and professionals within the #bankingsector.
This paper examines the impact of #databreach #disclosure laws (DBDL) on companies' voluntary #financial disclosure behaviors. The authors use a difference-in-differences analysis to show that firms have a higher propensity of disclosing non-#gaap earnings after the adoption of DBDL, suggesting that such mandatory disclosure #regulation on #cybersecurity stimulates firms' voluntary disclosure of non-GAAP earnings.
Traditional #statistical and #algorithm-based methods used to analyze #bigdata often overlook small but significant evidence. #bayesian #statistics, driven by #conditional #probability, offer a solution to this challenge. The review identifies two main applications of Bayesian statistics in #finance: prediction in financial markets and credit risk models. The findings aim to provide valuable insights for researchers aiming to incorporate Bayesian methods and address the sample size issue effectively in #financial #research.
#ethical dilemmas and #regulatory considerations associated with #ai and #chatgpt adoption in financial analysis are ... addressed, emphasizing the need for responsible AI usage and human oversight in critical #financial judgments.
In #corporategovernance, where boards are being held liable for #misconduct based on #operationalrisk. Operational misconduct is a critical source of #director#liability and should be given the same attention as #financial#mismanagement. Operational risk marks a fundamental shift in the way boards monitor the firm. Judicial doctrine is changing the way boards manage operational risk, avoid liability, and protect stakeholders' lives and the society at large.
"We distinguish three main types of cyber risks: idiosyncratic, systematic, and systemic cyber risks. While for idiosyncratic and systematic cyber risks, classical actuarial and financial mathematics appear to be well-suited, systemic cyber risks require more sophisticated approaches that capture both network and strategic interactions."
"Experimental results over synthetic and real problems confirm the advantages of this inference approach in its ability to accurately recover the original noise and signal matrices, as well as the achieved performance improvement in comparison to other state of art MTGP approaches."