11 résultats
pour « bank »
Examining #us #bank holding companies, this research analyzes how #audit committee oversight influences financial reporting quality. Leveraging Section 165 h of the Dodd–Frank Act, which mandates separate #audit and #risk committees for large bank holding firms, the study employs a difference-in-differences approach. The separation leads to enhanced reporting quality due to improved audit committee focus stemming from reduced task complexity post-Section 165 h.
The study investigates the influence of national culture on the severity of global #bank#misconduct. It finds that cultural traits such as over-confidence and #uncertainty avoidance play a significant role in determining misconduct levels. The research underscores the importance of #regulatory measures and #supervisory independence in countering cultural effects on #financial#malfeasance. These findings hold implications for #regulators, #policymakers, and professionals within the #bankingsector.
Examining the Great Depression, we use novel methods and data to show that despite 9,000 #bank closures, #risk increased instead of leaving the system. Healthier #banks acquired risk through mergers, with each acquisition raising the acquiring bank's risk by 25%. #financialcrises don't rapidly eliminate risk; merger policies affect #systemicrisk.
"We show that past #operationalrisk losses are informative of future losses, even after controlling for a wide range of financial characteristics. We propose that the information provided by past losses results from their capturing hard-to-quantify factors such as the quality of operational risk controls, the #riskculture and the #riskappetite of the #bank."
"We use the recently failed #svb as a case study. Our [#machinelearning #textanalysis] findings indicate a weaker emphasis on #riskgovernance by SVB and an environment, particularly after 2011, where the #ceo became more dominant in influencing SVB’s #riskculture. We also show that despite recognition of the portfolio problems, SVB’s CEO’s tone indicated that #regulatorycompliance and #riskstrategy of the #bank would #mitigate these #risks. We observe an alignment between the #riskculture of SVB and other banks with the highest uninsured deposits as well as with two #us #gsibs."
"This paper uses the failures of #siliconvalleybank and #signaturebank in early March 2023 to argue for needed reforms in #depositinsurance and in #bank#regulation more generally."
"The research findings revealed that still people do not pay due importance to the #lifeinsurance policy, they prefer other #financialialinstruments, such as #bank deposits, #mutualfunds, the #stockmarket, and some others... The buyers treated life #insurance as an #investment and #taxsavings instrument instead of a #risk coverage instrument."
"... the new Climate Risk Division will integrate climate risks into its supervision of regulated entities, support the industry’s growth in managing climate risks, coordinate with international, national, and state regulators, develop internal capacity on climate-related financial risks, support the capacity-building of peer regulators on climate-related supervision, and ensure fair access to financial services for all communities, especially those most impacted by climate change. "
This paper that explores the design of #climate#stresstests to assess #macroprudential#risks from #climatechange in the #financialsector. The authors review current climate stress #scenarios employed by #regulators, highlighting the need to consider dynamic policy choices, better understand feedback loops between climate change and the economy, and explore compound #riskscenarios. They argue that more research is needed to identify channels through which plausible scenarios can impact credit risks, incorporate #bank-lending responses to #climaterisk, assess the adequacy of climate #riskpricing in #financialmarkets, and better understand the process of expectations formation around the realizations of climate risks.
Outsiders in #bank#boards improve #riskgovernance (decrease #risktaking, increase #riskmonitoring) for #regulatory#riskmeasures but worsen risk governance for economic risk measures.