3 résultats pour « germany »

Note on the GDPR and US‑based cloud servers

This is a note on the #gdpr and the use of #us-based #cloudservers. The note raises concerns about the #risk of US #intelligenceagencies having access to #data transferred to any US cloud from the #eu, or directly accessed by US agencies, even while still in the EU / #eea or while in transit. The note discusses cases in #france, the #netherlands, and #germany that have addressed these issues, concluding that the legality of the use of US cloud servers and solutions remains problematic.

Estimating German Bank Climate Risk Exposure using the EU Emissions Trading System

Date : Tags : , , , , , ,
" We focus on German banks and measure their exposure to climate risk using CO2 emissions reported for German firms in the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). ... Overall, our approach accounts for 61.25% of the German emissions covered under the EU ETS. We document that only 19 German banks concentrate 95.88% of the total CO2 emissions in their portfolios. "