2 résultats pour « netherlands »

Note on the GDPR and US‑based cloud servers

This is a note on the #gdpr and the use of #us-based #cloudservers. The note raises concerns about the #risk of US #intelligenceagencies having access to #data transferred to any US cloud from the #eu, or directly accessed by US agencies, even while still in the EU / #eea or while in transit. The note discusses cases in #france, the #netherlands, and #germany that have addressed these issues, concluding that the legality of the use of US cloud servers and solutions remains problematic.

Can We Nudge Insurance Demand by Bundling Natural Disaster Risks with Other Risks?

Date : Tags : , , , , ,
"Our findings show that demand is overall higher to insure separate risks than to cover all risks together in a bundled insurance policy in the UK, whereas no significant difference is found between demand for bundled insurance and single policy insurance in the Netherlands. This difference in preference across the two countries is partly associated with whether individuals have been flooded in the past, which is more often the case in the UK than the Netherlands."