This study examines a #riskaverse #insured who buys deductible #insurance and uses a barrier strategy for reporting #losses. The #insurer has a bonus-malus system with two rate classes; shifting to a costlier class occurs upon loss reporting. The insured's tendency to underreport losses is established under specific conditions, with her strategic reporting threshold derived. Allowing insureds to choose deductibles reveals positive equilibrium values, challenging the assumption of full insurance optimality. This work explains the common underreporting of losses across non-life insurance sectors.
Key findings:1. #masstort plaintiff lawyers do not primarily base their litigation and settlement strategy on defendants' #liabilityinsurance, except in cases of insolvency.2. Despite #insurance policies assigning control over defense to the #insurer, mass tort defendants typically retain control over their defense, even when they recover under these policies.3. Mass tort defendants usually use their own funds to settle #claims, seeking indemnification from liability insurers, if available, at a later stage.4. Many mass tort plaintiff law firms rely on non-recourse litigation funding, reminiscent of early forms of commercial insurance like bottomry and respondentia. An emerging insurance market is reducing the cost of this funding and may eventually replace it.
"The convex combination of the distortion #risk #measurement is constructed from the perspectives of #insurer and #reinsurer."
"We find that the more risky the #insurer ’s #investmentportfolio is, the more #risk the insurer tends to #transfer to the #reinsurer."
"We study an optimal #reinsurance problem under a diffusion #riskmodel for an #insurer who aims to minimize the #probability of lifetime ruin."
This paper examines the Bowley solution in the context of #insurance contracts using the expected utility framework. Specifically, the paper analyzes a sequential game between a #policyholder and an #insurer, in which the policyholder selects the optimal #indemnity function and the insurer adjusts the pricing kernel to maximize expected #netprofit. The paper finds that the optimal safety loading factor increases with the policyholder's #riskaversion level and the #probability of zero loss. However, the paper also shows that the Bowley solution is #pareto dominated, meaning that both parties' interests can be further improved.
This paper explores the optimal #reinsurance design for an #insurer with multiple lines of business, where the dependence structure between #risks is unknown. The study considers Value-at-Risk (#var) and Range-Value-at-Risk (#rvar) as #riskmeasures and applies general premium principles. The optimal reinsurance strategies are obtained under budget constraint and expected profit constraint.