5 résultats pour « riskmodeling »

The Information Value of Past Losses in Operational Risk

"We show that past operational losses are informative of future losses, even after controlling for a wide range of financial characteristics. We propose that the information provided by past losses results from them capturing hard to quantify factors such as the quality of operational risk controls, the risk culture, and the risk appetite of the bank."

Evaluation of Backtesting on Risk Models Based on Data Envelopment Analysis

"The methodologies examined include filtered historical simulation, extreme value theory, Monte Carlo simulation and historical simulation. Autoregressive-moving-average and generalized-autoregressive-conditional-heteroscedasticity models are used to estimate VaR."

Bayesian Backtesting for Counterparty Risk Models

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"... we find that the Bayesian approach outperforms the classical one in identifying whether a model is correctly specified which is the principal aim of any backtesting framework. The power of the methodology is due to its ability to test individual model parameters and hence identify which aspects of a model are misspecified as well as the degree of misspecification."