12 résultats
pour « resilience »
The article explores the importance of critical infrastructure (CI) and essential services (ES) for population security and business continuity. It examines the challenges posed by the interdependence of CI and ES, which complicates threat identification and risk management. The study identifies new research directions on operational risk management, public security, and resilience in critical supply networks.
“… the report underscores the critical role of emerging governance, risk, and compliance frameworks in ensuring organizations remain adaptive and resilient in the face of ever-evolving cyber threats. In an era where digital risks are continuously evolving...”
This study employs an agent-based #model to explore how #climate shocks spread within #supplychains, linking #climateimpacts to firms' #default #risks. Integrating supply chain and financial models, it outlines a framework to simulate physical risk transmission, downstream effects, and increased default risk. Findings underscore supply chains' role in #climaterisk propagation, advocate adaptation measures, and identify vulnerable sectors. The research underscores the necessity of climate #resilience in supply chains.
This research presents a balance #scorecard tool for assessing #disasterriskreduction and #resilience (#dr3) in the context of #floods, #droughts and #heatwaves. It aims to support the integration and monitoring of #climateadaptation, #sustainability and #riskreduction into development planning in vulnerable communities. This approach contributes to strengthening #governance, resilience and #riskmanagement in disaster-prone areas.
"... the new Climate Risk Division will integrate climate risks into its supervision of regulated entities, support the industry’s growth in managing climate risks, coordinate with international, national, and state regulators, develop internal capacity on climate-related financial risks, support the capacity-building of peer regulators on climate-related supervision, and ensure fair access to financial services for all communities, especially those most impacted by climate change. "
There are five different common reactions to dealing with, or taming, this #uncertainty in #cyberspace: (1) using #riskmanagement to control uncertainty; (2) recovering from uncertainty through #resilience; (3) mitigating uncertainty through the use of #laws and #regulations; (4) suspending uncertainty by engaging in trust; and (5) ignoring uncertainty through inaction.
The #covid19 #pandemic revealed shortcomings in #supplychainmanagement and highlighted the need for rebuilding #supplychains for #resilience to respond to #systemwide #disruptions. This study outlines an approach to rebuilding supply chains for resilience, integrating innovation in areas critical to supply chain management. The authors focus on three areas deemed foundational to #supplychainresilience: forecasting, #supplychainrisk #riskmanagement, and product design.
"... climate change exacerbates financial instability, but adaptation can build resilience to climate impacts."
"This Article provides a novel heuristic framework for understanding the three elements of Risk, Reward and Resilience (the Triple R Framework), which synthesizes and integrates insights from diverse disciplines and domains. It sets out the drivers of each element, shows how they are connected and sketches the policy choices which they present, before applying the framework to the COVID-19 supply chain shock and China’s economic coercion of Australia."
" In order to quantify resilience uncertainty across the network resolutions (from macro-scale network statistics to individual node dynamics), we propose an arbitrary polynomial chaos (aPC) expansion method to identify the probability of a node in losing its resilience and how the different model parameters contribute to this risk on a single node."