"#banks that did well in the #gfc also did well in the #pandemic while banks that did poorly during the GFC also did poorly during the pandemic."
The #covid19 #pandemic revealed shortcomings in #supplychainmanagement and highlighted the need for rebuilding #supplychains for #resilience to respond to #systemwide #disruptions. This study outlines an approach to rebuilding supply chains for resilience, integrating innovation in areas critical to supply chain management. The authors focus on three areas deemed foundational to #supplychainresilience: forecasting, #supplychainrisk #riskmanagement, and product design.
The #covid19 #pandemic challenged every aspect of business and forced organizations to shift into #crisismode. The pandemic re-exposed issues associated with #siloedthinking in #riskmanagement. For organizations with inadequate #erm policies, plans, or procedures, this is a crucial time to reflect on improving their ERM processes through the capture and transfer of Covid-related lessons. This study explores how concept #riskmapping can be a valuable tool to structure lessons learned capture, ensure risk information is considered, and focus on ERM practice improvements.
"... new risks—and the intensification of longstanding risks—are pressure-testing the agility and resilience of corporate strategies, risk management systems and practices."
"... operational risk remained the most prominent major risk type after the outbreak of Covid-19, and that disclosures of operational risk increased by 5.19% compared with the samples from before the outbreak. The drivers of operational risk also changed, with significant increases in disclosure of litigation risk, transaction modes and product and service problems as a proportion of total disclosures. In addition, two emerging operational risk drivers identified during the pandemic are data safeguarding and goodwill impairment."
"... requirement releases are more effective for banks with a low capital headroom over requirements and do not trigger additional risk-taking. These findings provide key insights on how to design effective bank capital requirement releases in crisis time."
"This paper examines the impact of the pandemic outbreak on Italian insurers’ investment decisions between 2017 and 2020."
"This work presents a Bayesian-based semi-mechanistic model for a short-term forecast of pandemic risk."