34 résultats
pour « capitalrequirements »
"Under the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) introduced in 2014, the European Central Bank directly supervises significant euro area banks, which hold about 82% of total banking assets. We find that this important supervisory change has positive effects on the return on assets and the return on risk-weighted assets of SSM banks without increasing the risk weights used to calculate regulatory capital."
"We summarize core features of a capital regime such as expected and unexpected losses, regulatory ratios and risk-weighted assets, and minimum requirements and buffers, and then consider where climate-related risk drivers may be relevant."
"Even pioneering forward-looking stress tests cannot feasibly capture all possible tail risks. We propose supplementing the existing capital requirements regime by giving it a stronger precautionary and macroprudential focus, paying particular attention to the prevention of environmental tipping points to avoid systemic and catastrophic impacts on the financial system and macroeconomy."
"We find that bank capital and probability of default PD impact each other, where the total influence of the latter on the former is stronger. PD also affects capital via risk-taking but the opposite effect (i.e., from capital to PD via risk) is not identified, which challenges one of the main assumptions underlying capital regulation."
"... most modified coinsurance is purchased from reinsurers located in countries with lower regulatory capital requirements and within the same insurance holding group. Our findings expose how insurers use reinsurance to obfuscate their asset risk."
"... requirement releases are more effective for banks with a low capital headroom over requirements and do not trigger additional risk-taking. These findings provide key insights on how to design effective bank capital requirement releases in crisis time."
"... banks with robust pre-crisis regulatory capital ratios are less risky (have a lower insolvency risky) relative to less-capitalised banks amid the crisis period. This suggests that the post 2007-09 Basel reforms have succeeded, to some extent, in strengthening the risk-resilience of banks during the Covid-19 economic fallout."
" A model is set up which assumes that banks’ decisions regarding capital and risk are made endogenously in a dynamic pattern."
"This paper considers the question from a non-technical point of view and surveys the regulatory requirements for capital adequacy contained in the so-called Basel framework. It analyses all contributing parts of the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), including regulatory capital, credit risk, market risk and operational risk, raising in each case the concerns of the literature as well as recent contributions."
"Drawing on recently disclosed information on the Pillar 2 capital requirements of banks directly supervised by the ECB, we find that bank-specific capital requirements are mostly driven by business model and profitability, credit risk, and internal governance and risk management issues. Moreover, we propose a novel measure of bank governance quality that teases out the qualitative dimension of the P2R decision."