"The research findings revealed that still people do not pay due importance to the #lifeinsurance policy, they prefer other #financialialinstruments, such as #bank deposits, #mutualfunds, the #stockmarket, and some others... The buyers treated life #insurance as an #investment and #taxsavings instrument instead of a #risk coverage instrument."
This paper explores potential revisions to the calculation of the #solvencyII#risk margin (RM) and contributes to the ongoing discussion by formally defining the concept of capital-on-capital cost. The paper highlights the need for practitioners to consider capital-on-capital costs in their #lifeinsurance#riskmanagement frameworks and for policymakers to carefully evaluate the potential impact of any revisions to the calculation of the RM.
"We describe a simple model of #insurance demand that can be applied to the #propertyinsurance, #liabilityinsurance, #lifeinsurance, and #healthinsurance markets. We also demonstrate how #riskaversion affects a variety of real-life insurance decisions made under conditions of #uncertainty, including how much the market will bear to pay for insurance administrative expenses and how demand varies for different types of #autoinsurance#coverage.”
"... most modified coinsurance is purchased from reinsurers located in countries with lower regulatory capital requirements and within the same insurance holding group. Our findings expose how insurers use reinsurance to obfuscate their asset risk."