4 résultats pour « lifeinsurance »

Buyers’ Perception Towards Life Insurance Policies Offered in Insurance Industry: A Study

"The research findings revealed that still people do not pay due importance to the #lifeinsurance policy, they prefer other #financialialinstruments, such as #bank deposits, #mutualfunds, the #stockmarket, and some others... The buyers treated life #insurance as an #investment and #taxsavings instrument instead of a #risk coverage instrument."

The Capital‑on‑Capital Cost in Solvency II Risk Margin.

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This paper explores potential revisions to the calculation of the #solvencyII#risk margin (RM) and contributes to the ongoing discussion by formally defining the concept of capital-on-capital cost. The paper highlights the need for practitioners to consider capital-on-capital costs in their #lifeinsurance#riskmanagement frameworks and for policymakers to carefully evaluate the potential impact of any revisions to the calculation of the RM.

A Gentle Introduction to Risk Aversion and Utility Theory

"We describe a simple model of #insurance demand that can be applied to the #propertyinsurance, #liabilityinsurance, #lifeinsurance, and #healthinsurance markets. We also demonstrate how #riskaversion affects a variety of real-life insurance decisions made under conditions of #uncertainty, including how much the market will bear to pay for insurance administrative expenses and how demand varies for different types of #autoinsurance#coverage.”