31 résultats pour « governance »

The Unconscious Conscience of Digital Transformation: The Chief Compliance Officer

This paper explores the evolving role of #compliance in #digitaltransformation (#dt), as corporations globally embrace technology to enhance competitiveness and address responsible, #ethical, and #sustainable practices. It analyzes the current and potential role of Compliance in DT, emphasizing the need to manage #governance, #risk, and compliance aspects and leverage #esg objectives. The authors conducted interviews with Compliance heads and facilitated a Salon attended by General Counsel and Compliance professionals. The purpose is to encourage international discussions on Compliance's role in digital transformation.

Central bank supervisory role: micro‑prudential supervision and regulation of ESG risks

This paper discusses the role of #centralbanks in #regulating and #supervising #esgrisks in the #banking sector. The authors review recent international and regional rules requiring banks to consider #esg factors in their #governance, and analyze the practices of #microprudential #supervisors in several jurisdictions.

Rationalizing AI Governance: A Cross‑Disciplinary Perspective

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The study emphasizes the need for a better understanding of #ai to avoid policies that may hinder its benefits. It argues for a cross-disciplinary approach to AI #governance and clarifying its core concepts to build trust. The paper addresses two key questions: 1) What is the best way to safely introduce AI to maximize well-being and #sustainability in light of its potential #risks? and 2) What specific policy steps should be taken to implement it?

A Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience Scorecard for Climate Adaptation

This research presents a balance #scorecard tool for assessing #disasterriskreduction and #resilience (#dr3) in the context of #floods, #droughts and #heatwaves. It aims to support the integration and monitoring of #climateadaptation, #sustainability and #riskreduction into development planning in vulnerable communities. This approach contributes to strengthening #governance, resilience and #riskmanagement in disaster-prone areas.

Risk, Discretion, and Bank Supervision

"... the new Climate Risk Division will integrate climate risks into its supervision of regulated entities, support the industry’s growth in managing climate risks, coordinate with international, national, and state regulators, develop internal capacity on climate-related financial risks, support the capacity-building of peer regulators on climate-related supervision, and ensure fair access to financial services for all communities, especially those most impacted by climate change. "

Getting AI Innovation Culture Right

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This paper discusses the role of public policy in #regulating the development of #ai, #ml, and #robotics, and the potential #risks of different approaches to #governance. It explores the tension between precautionary principles that prioritize risk avoidance and permissionless innovation that encourages entrepreneurship, and advocates for a more flexible, #bottomup governance approach that can address risks without hindering innovation.

How Crime Shapes Insurance and Insurance Shapes Crime

Examines the relationship between #crime and #insurance, with a focus on the role of #governance, #riskassessment and #riskmanagement, #crimeprevention, #securitytechnology, #behavioraleconomics, #theft, #kidnap and #hijack for ransom, #fraud, and #ransomware. It analyzes five case studies to identify a co-evolutionary process in which #insurers collaborate with insureds, governments, and #thirdparty to #mitigaterisk, particularly when criminal innovations destabilize the #insurancemarket.

Algorithmic Black Swans

The paper discusses the risks posed by #artificialintelligence (#ai) systems, from biased lending algorithms to chatbots that spew violent #hatespeech. The author argues that policymakers have a responsibility to consider broader, longer-term #risks from #aitechnology, such as #systemicrisk and the potential for misuse. While #regulatory proposals like the #eu #aiact and the #whitehouse AI Bill of Rights focus on immediate risks, they do not fully address the need for #algorithmicpreparedness. It proposes a roadmap for algorithmic preparedness, which includes five forward-looking principles to guide the development of regulations that confront the prospect of algorithmic black swans and mitigate the harms they pose to society. This approach is particularly important for general purpose systems like #chatgpt, which can be used for a wide range of applications, including ones that may have unintended consequences. The article emphasizes the need for #governance and #regulation to ensure that #aisystems are developed and used in ways that minimize risk and maximize benefit, and it references the #nist AI #riskmanagement Framework as a potential tool for achieving this goal.