26 résultats pour « risks »

Using Differential Privacy to Define Personal, Anonymous and Pseudonymous Data

This paper introduces the concept of differential privacy (DP) as a novel technical tool that can quantifiably assess the identification #risks of #databases, thereby aiding in the classification of data. By allocating a privacy budget in advance, data controllers can establish auditable and reviewable boundaries between #personal, #anonymous, and #pseudonymous data, while integrating this framework into broader data #riskmanagement practices.

Rationalizing AI Governance: A Cross‑Disciplinary Perspective

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The study emphasizes the need for a better understanding of #ai to avoid policies that may hinder its benefits. It argues for a cross-disciplinary approach to AI #governance and clarifying its core concepts to build trust. The paper addresses two key questions: 1) What is the best way to safely introduce AI to maximize well-being and #sustainability in light of its potential #risks? and 2) What specific policy steps should be taken to implement it?

Climate Risk Transfer vs Risk Reduction

#insurance#climaterisk"This paper discusses the relationship between the financial constraints faced by infrastructure assets due to #floodrisk exposure and their ability to finance adaptation to such #risks through internal resources. #risktransfer mechanisms such as #floodinsurance were shown to be a consistent channel leading to increases in #riskreduction through adaptation. "

Policyholders' Subjective Beliefs: Approaching New Drivers of Insurance ESG Reputational Risk

This paper explores the #reputationalrisk associated with #esg investments and provides a formal theoretical valuation system for ESG reputation. The authors argue that ESG criteria adoption has multiple positive dimensions and outcomes, but the analysis of the #risks related to #sustainability is uncommon. They model ESG reputational risk using paradigms of #behaviouralfinance, defining it by subjective probabilities framed in a #probability function based on potential trustees' preferences. The paper highlights the need for accurate evaluation of reputational risks related to ESG investments by firms and other institutions, including #insurance companies and #pensionfunds.

Getting AI Innovation Culture Right

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This paper discusses the role of public policy in #regulating the development of #ai, #ml, and #robotics, and the potential #risks of different approaches to #governance. It explores the tension between precautionary principles that prioritize risk avoidance and permissionless innovation that encourages entrepreneurship, and advocates for a more flexible, #bottomup governance approach that can address risks without hindering innovation.

ESG: The 5th Element of Corporate Risk Assessment

While #financialrisks, #politicalrisks, #compliancerisks, and #cyberrisks are more easily quantifiable, #esgrisk presents a challenge for boards to identify, assess, and develop plans to its #riskmitigation. Using #nestlé USA as a case study, the article highlights how #esg#risks can migrate across different pillars: what initially appeared as #supplychainrisk moved across pillars into #litigation and #businessrisk before settling as ongoing ESG risk proper.

Climate Stress Testing

This paper that explores the design of #climate#stresstests to assess #macroprudential#risks from #climatechange in the #financialsector. The authors review current climate stress #scenarios employed by #regulators, highlighting the need to consider dynamic policy choices, better understand feedback loops between climate change and the economy, and explore compound #riskscenarios. They argue that more research is needed to identify channels through which plausible scenarios can impact credit risks, incorporate #bank-lending responses to #climaterisk, assess the adequacy of climate #riskpricing in #financialmarkets, and better understand the process of expectations formation around the realizations of climate risks.