65 résultats
pour « banks »
"... climate change exacerbates financial instability, but adaptation can build resilience to climate impacts."
" The global climate crisis and the economy’s green transition are giving rise to new types of risks for banks. This paper analyses some of the key international bank regulatory standards, namely disclosure, risk management, governance and regulatory capital. "
"Climate risk is positively associated with the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance of banks and negatively associated with the stakeholder ESG sentiment towards them. Negative sentiment due to such exposure is associated with worse financial performance and lower stock returns, but stronger ESG performance mitigates these adverse effects."
"Under the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) introduced in 2014, the European Central Bank directly supervises significant euro area banks, which hold about 82% of total banking assets. We find that this important supervisory change has positive effects on the return on assets and the return on risk-weighted assets of SSM banks without increasing the risk weights used to calculate regulatory capital."
" We focus on German banks and measure their exposure to climate risk using CO2 emissions reported for German firms in the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). ... Overall, our approach accounts for 61.25% of the German emissions covered under the EU ETS. We document that only 19 German banks concentrate 95.88% of the total CO2 emissions in their portfolios. "
"We find that bank capital and probability of default PD impact each other, where the total influence of the latter on the former is stronger. PD also affects capital via risk-taking but the opposite effect (i.e., from capital to PD via risk) is not identified, which challenges one of the main assumptions underlying capital regulation."
"... requirement releases are more effective for banks with a low capital headroom over requirements and do not trigger additional risk-taking. These findings provide key insights on how to design effective bank capital requirement releases in crisis time."
"... banks with robust pre-crisis regulatory capital ratios are less risky (have a lower insolvency risky) relative to less-capitalised banks amid the crisis period. This suggests that the post 2007-09 Basel reforms have succeeded, to some extent, in strengthening the risk-resilience of banks during the Covid-19 economic fallout."
"We find that default premium, yield slope and inflation are the main drivers of climate transition risk, and that, in terms of capital shortfall, the cost of rescuing more risk-exposed financial firms from climate transition losses is relatively manageable. Simulation of climate risks over a five-year period shows that disorderly transition can be expected to imply significant costs for banks, while financial services and real estate firms remain more sheltered."
"Our findings, based on LDA topic modeling and term frequency, indicate that already at the time of the crisis Israeli banks had shifted the focus of their reports from market and operational risks to credit and liquidity risks. The introduction of Basel III amplified this trend..."