13 résultats
pour « erm »
The banking industry faces complex financial risks, including credit, market, and operational risks, requiring a clear understanding of the aggregate cost of risk. Advanced AI models complicate transparency, increasing the need for explainable AI (XAI). Understanding risk mathematics enhances predictability, financial management, and regulatory compliance in an evolving landscape.
The #covid19 #pandemic challenged every aspect of business and forced organizations to shift into #crisismode. The pandemic re-exposed issues associated with #siloedthinking in #riskmanagement. For organizations with inadequate #erm policies, plans, or procedures, this is a crucial time to reflect on improving their ERM processes through the capture and transfer of Covid-related lessons. This study explores how concept #riskmapping can be a valuable tool to structure lessons learned capture, ensure risk information is considered, and focus on ERM practice improvements.
The study finds that entrepreneurs view #riskmanagement as a mindset focused on asset preservation, competitive advantages, and local talent development. Risk management practices in #smes are mainly informal yet deliberate and fully integrated into the organization's fabric. In-house #accountants help entrepreneurs with #erm, while external accountants do not systematically contribute to risk management. The study contributes to both the theory and practice of risk management by providing empirical insights into SME owners' perceptions, sense-making, and risk management practices.
"... compares two industries where legislative requirements differ, but it finds the same pattern: the ideals of enterprise risk management are being not implemented in practice."
"Despite its relevance, forward-looking information is still a confusing topic, in terms of contents and applications, especially in the context of ESG, where there is a need for greater clarity and standardization of the definitions of the ESG indicators."
"We believe our paper adds to the important body of cybersecurity literature that explores the roles of government and business, particularly corporate directors, in the governance of data security."
"... the appointment of a female risk officer is not sufficient to reduce risk-taking by banks."
"... we find the difference in decision-makers’ probability assessments between operational and non-operational risk factors is greater when assessing a proximate rather than a remote target. We contribute to the accounting literature by demonstrating how spatial distance affects probability judgments."
"Estimations of model parameters are presented under Bayesian framework using a combination of Gibbs sampler and Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. Predictions and applications of the proposed model in enterprise risk management and cyber insurance rate filing are discussed."
"This document explains the enterprise risk management framework in a flow chart form."